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    Role of Node Js In Web Application Development By Using Microservices Architecture

    by admin August 21, 2020
    Node.js for Web Application Development

    Overcoming situations in the development process is, by itself, a challenging task for the developers. Now that several enterprises are opting for microservice architecture, Node js has a prominent role in development. This architecture lets the developers split the application into smaller blocks. These blocks can be developed individually, using various programming technologies, and helps developers to finish the entire task side-by-side in less time. Thus it aids in the agile and agnostic development process.

    Node js is a run time environment based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It is the go-to technology for startups, enterprises for its speedy development process.

    Many leading companies are adopting Node js microservice like GoDaddy, Paypal, Netflix, and many more.

    Advantages of Node js microservice

    • Non-blocking, event-driven I/O model for top performance real-time web app development
    • Allows creating, operating and handling services self-reliantly
    • Cuts down much infrastructure so that teams can iterate swiftly
    • Abundant modules are accessible for immediate use
    • Enhances clarity among developers as they work on separate blocks of web application development. If it nosedives to perform during production, it can be effortlessly secluded and reconfigured
    • Offer language and platform freedom for developers
    • Efficient resource exploitation and expense optimization

    Node js pros and cons are discussed as follows

    Node.js Use cases

    The Pros:

    • Node js supports JavaScript language on both the client and server-side. Thus, hiring separate backend and front-end developers can be avoided and reduce overhead costs.
    • Offers top performance as V8 translates JavaScript code into machine code without the need for an interpreter. Also, the run-time environment proliferates the code execution speed tremendously by aiding non-blocking I/O operations.
    • Dynamic Community of JavaScript programmers and their contribution is a great advantage.
    • Concurrent Request Handling helps execute requests sequentially in a fast manner
    • The advantage of caching is that it helps the application load web pages and respond to the user requests quickly, without needing the module code to be executed over again.
    • Easy to learn, increases programmer productivity, code reusability, and consumes less time to work with it.
    • It facilitates real-time application development like chat apps, games, chatbots, and voice user interface applications like Alexa.

    The Cons:

    • Unsteady API and the Echma script adds new syntax for writing complex applications, including classes and modules. Thus, programmers have to change the current code base to make it compatible with the Node js API’s latest version.
    • It doesn’t have a standard library, and so it becomes hard to achieve regular programming tasks using Node js.
    • Not appropriate for heavyweight computing apps As Node js is not supportive of multi-threaded programming yet.

    Final Thoughts

    Despite the limitations, Node js offers useful features to write several server-side applications, real-time Web APIs, and various networking applications in JavaScript. When it comes to Microservices, it is better first to decide if it suits your requirement from tech experts.

    Being the leading Node js development company in the USA, we deliver the scalable solution to get into action soon. You can also hire developers for your project from the best web application development company. Touch base with our experts by calling: +1 408-400-3737

    Frequently Asked Question

    What is the purpose of Node?
    Node lets the developers write code in JavaScript, which runs in a computer process directly instead of in a browser. Node is useful for writing server-side applications with access to the file system, operating system, and everything else necessary for creating fully-functional applications.

    What is node js not suitable for?
    Node js is not apt for developing heavy computing apps or for performing long-running calculations. It doesn’t support multi-threaded programming as of now. However, it can serve complicated applications more than Ruby. Heavy computations tend to block the inward requests, which results in a decrease in performance.

    Is node js better than Java?
    If your application involves running loops in millions of calculating tasks, then, in that case, Java will exceed node js. Node is lightweight due to the architecture based on events. It is developed to function as a web server and performs splendidly with servicing lightweight tasks.

    Does node js have a future?
    Node JS most likely won’t crush. But the chances are that it will match with various options and continue to develop. The future is bright in the front-end world for Node JS as it looks like no front-end development is conceivable without Node. Js, at least for the current time.


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