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    Top JavaScript Frameworks for Front-End Development

    by TOPS Infosolutions November 21, 2017
    JavaScript Frameworks

    In the era of rapid app development, you need enhanced ways to build up quick interactive web applications and that is where JavaScript frameworks come to the rescue.  JavaScript frameworks are the backbone of single-page applications and web application prototypes which refrains you from going into the depth of the coding structure.

    One of the most popular uses of the JavaScript framework is that it submits the data to the server via Ajax without the need to apply an animation effect, validate user inputs, or reload the page. Most of the frameworks use the MVC design paradigm to ensure scalability, reusability, and maintainable code but not necessarily every framework rides on MVC; however, it depends on the need of the project.

    JavaScript frameworks are mushrooming everywhere and every firm wishes to have a website or landing page made with it. Let’s check out some of the best front-end frameworks to build complex and feature-rich single-page interactive web applications.

    Angular 4

    Angular 4 is the improved version of Angular 2 and includes some major functionality modifications. With Angular 4, programs consume less space and run quicker than former versions and with the new engine system, the size of the generated code can be reduced by 60% – this means the more complex your templates are, the higher your savings.

    Animation is removed from @angular/core but you can use it whenever you want; in case you don’t use it, excess code won’t end up in your production bundle. One of the best things about Angular 4 is that it helps to find documentation and you can take advantage of auto-completion.

    Angular 4 is compatible with typescript 2.1 and 2.2 which will enhance the speed of the compiler and you can receive improved checking throughout the application. If there is any error in your template, Angular will create source maps that provide meaningful context for your original template. This is must use JavaScript framework if you wish to build huge and feature-rich applications.


    React is a JavaScript library that is used to create interactive user interfaces; making your code more predictable and easier to debug. React will update your design for each state with the right components whenever your data changes in the app.

    This will provide simplicity, increase the speed of the web app, and enhances scalability. You can easily pass rich data through your apps and keep the state out of DOM because component logic is written in JavaScript instead of templates and cherry on top, it is easy to add features without rewriting your existing code.

    In MVC, React.js serves as “V” and we can smoothly integrate it with any architecture. It has a simple programming model and hence no need for painstaking efforts to learn complex concepts; you can create a design interface by using a suitable API.

    This front-end JavaScript framework is the face behind the UI of Facebook and Instagram; hence you can make clones now as it became open-source with its latest update. There is a lot that you can achieve with this framework but need to identify the features that you are looking for.


    Angular 2 is a type-script-based open-source web application platform led by the Angular team at Google. From powerful templates to fast rendering, data management, HTTP services, form handling, etc. this JavaScript framework has almost every required thing that is needed to build a complicated frontend web or mobile app.

    Angular combines’ declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, etc., and integrates the most excellent practices to solve development challenges. Being cross-platform, it helps in developing progressive web apps to deliver an app-like experience, high performance, and zero-step installation.

    Angular turns your template into code that’s highly optimized for today’s JavaScript virtual machines, giving you all the benefits of hand-written code with the productivity of a framework. It is equipped with the components like overlays, sidebars, switches, and absolutely positioned navigation bars which provide dynamic functionality to the application. You must give it a try if you are looking to develop a complex web app.


    Ember.JS is an open-source JavaScript application framework for creating scalable single-page web applications which use MVVM (model view view-model) pattern. It helps to manage complexity in modern web applications and has an integrated development toolkit that enables rapid iteration.

    Some of the features of ember that help to stand tall are Ember CLI, Routing, Templating Engine, Data layer, and Ember Inspector. This JavaScript framework refrains you from writing long codes as its handlebars integrated templates update automatically when there are any modifications and with its friendly API, it helps to get your job done fast.

    Some of the popular websites that make use of Ember.js are LinkedIn, Microsoft, NetFlix, Vine, and many more. Ember has gained the support of a massive online community since 2011 and follows tons of best practices and continues to get regular updates. Go ahead and give it a try if you are looking to develop something challenging.


    Meteor is the full stack solution for developing and deploying web applications and has several in-built features such as reactive templates, automatic CSS, hot code reload, and much more which becomes helpful for deploying, scaling, and monitoring client applications.

    Development is quite easier as this JavaScript framework has all the tools from setup and configuration to API and deployment and being an open-source isomorphic development ecosystem, it builds real-time web applications from scratch with JavaScript.

    One of the best things about Meteor is that it uses the same code on the front-end and back-end for mobile and web apps which prevents developers to install and configure different libraries, module managers, APIs, and more. As it goes well with Mongo DB and Mimixo database, pages load faster and updates are easier to implement.

    Additionally, front-end development changes are automatically reloaded on a live web page without making the entire page reload. Meteor is an all-in-one approach and surely going to be a big player in near future.

    Advantages of using JavaScript frameworks:

    • Executed on the client’s side instead of the web server thus saving bandwidth and strain on the web server
    • Uses relatively easy language and comprises of DOM model which offers pre-written functionality to various objects on pages which helps to develop custom page
    • Relatively fast as the code is executed on the user’s computer and hence result and processing is completed almost instantly depending on the task
    • Projects which need a thousand lines of code and take years to develop can be completed faster with a well-structured pattern and functionality
    • Firm security arrangements supported by large community members
    • Most of the frameworks are open source and free and help to develop custom solutions faster at a lower web development cost

    Choosing the JavaScript Framework not only depends on your features but also on your project requirement, general framework functionality, and much more.

    When it comes to web development and mobile development, above mentioned JavaScript frameworks are the most reliable for quick development and prototyping. So, looking to develop a single-page web application or mobile app with us by using the best front-end JavaScript framework? We are just a call away!


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